Americans have loved McDonald’s Quarter Pounder ever since it was introduced in 1972. In the 1980s, A&W attempted to compete with this popular burger by introducing a third-pound burger. A&W’s burger was priced the same as the Quarter Pounder but delivered more meat. It even outperformed McDonald’s in blind taste tests. Nonetheless, it didn’t compete well in the marketplace; people just weren’t buying them.
A Focus Group was convened to determine why the larger burger wasn’t competing well with the Quarter Pounder even though the cost was the same. People in the Focus Group commented "Why should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat?"
In other words, it turned out that most people thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. (After all, three is less than four!)
Check out this humorous video about a Math Teacher fixing a projector screen
Here is a video about teaching Math throughout the years
This is the photo of elevator buttons in a building in Washington DC. On floor 4.6, there is a nice restaurant. Note there is also a floor 3.1!
Math Puns
Question: Why was six afraid of seven?
Answer: Because seven, eight, nine!
Question: Why is 69 so scared of 70?
Answer: Because once they fought, and 71.
Question: A teacher asked her student “Why are you doing math on the floor?”
Answer: “You told us not to use any tables!”
Question: Why shouldn’t you ever argue with a 90 degree angle?
Answer: They’re always right!
Question: Why should you worry about the math teacher holding graph paper?
Answer: She’s definitely plotting something.
Question: Why should you never argue with decimals?
Answer: Decimals always have a point.
Question: What did one math book say to the other?
Answer: Don’t bother me, I’ve got my own problems here.